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Pe drumul vinului (5)

Drumul vinului care aparține lui Dionysos : traseul pornește de la Templul lui Dionysos la Kali Vrysi din Drama în memoria zeului care a învățat oamenii cum să cultive vița de vie. În împrejurimea zonei Drama, sunt numeroase distilerii urcând muntele Falakro, există Kokkinogeia, la sud-est de Drama, Mikrochori și în jurul regiunii istorice Adriani renumită pentru vinurile și băutura tradițională tsipouro excelente .

În distileriile care se pot vizita și care sunt înconjurate de podgorii organizate, veți fi conduși în zonele de producție ale vinului, în cramă și în spații special amenajate pentru degustarea vinului premiat în toată lumea.

Continuând călătoria vinului, prin podgoriile din Kavala, veți vedea că distileriile se află în special în zonele Eleftheres și Orfano, la sud-vest de
muntele Pagaios, care a fost, de asemenea, loc de cult dedicat zeului Dionysos din antichitate.

Apoi, drumul se continuă spre Tracia, se îndreaptă către Marea Egee și ajunge la Avdira . În zonele deluroase ale regiunii, se practică viticultura încă din antichitate iar acest lucru este amintit și în imnul lui Pindar.
Traseul se continuă spre centrul Traciei, Rodopi cu Maronia și Ismaros , patria vinului, cu care, așa cum a spus Homer, Odysseus l-a îmbătat pe Ciclop.

Drumul vinului se continuă trecând prin zona de plajă din Alexandroupolis și urcând în Feres și Soufli.

Astăzi, podgoriile nou plantate demonstrează efortul de a păstra și a continua vechea tradiție a viticulturii.

Se cultivă soiuri grecești, cum ar fi roditis, assyrtiko, agiorgitiko, malagouzia și limnio, dar și soiuri internaționale cum ar fi Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot și Syrah. Sunt multe distilerii, care produc ouzo și raki de o calitate excelentă. .



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Rezultate (36)

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The Ecclesiastical Museum of Holy Metropolis of Xanthi and Margin housed in the east wing of the Monastery of Panagia Archangeliotissa. Monastery is northeast of Xanthi. The museum"s collection was set up in the early decade of 60 by metropolitan of that time of Xanthi Anthonio. Exhibits of the museum are the collections of portable icons, silver utensils, manuscripts and printed ...
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First owners of the building were the tobacco tradesmen Athanasios and Pantelis Kougioumtzoglou who used the plans they brought with them from Russia before 1860. Today those plans and designs are kept in the Letters and Arts Center of the city. One of the buildings was donated to the Center in 1968, while the second one was bought in 1976. Today it houses the Folk Art Museum. The two ...
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The building that will house the Tobacco Museum of Xanthi is owned by the Regional Unit of East Macedonia and Thrace and since 1992 has been declared as a work of art and a historical monument. In April 2001 it was destroyed by arson, but after the efforts of Xanthi prefecture the restoration of the building was proceeded and the first phase was successfully completed. Then it began a ...
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The Byzantine castle of Xantheias, at the north of the present town, on top of the hill, which controls the passage to the mainland. Dating from the 12th A.D. century and has shape an irregular trapezoid with the citadel on the top of the hill. Saved a lot of walls, towers, arched small gates and and vaulted cisterns....
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The mosque is located in the Old City, in the present district of the Acropolis or Achrian Mahallesi (Ahrian Mahalle). The mosque is a single aisle space and it was built with stones and wooden frames. The minaret is located on the southwestern edge of the building and the balcony is based on two annular surfaces supported by serrated corbels. The mosque contains the original building ...
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The mosque is located in the boundaries of the district Mouchatzir (Asa Mahalle), on Doiranis street and consists of the mosque and the house of the Imam. The mosque is also called “Mouchatzir tzami”. This is a Muslim-refugee from Bulgaria- district, who fled in Xanthi during the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878 year. It is a quadrangular stone building of distances : 12*10m. The ...
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The Forest of Beech in Tsichla - Chaidou in Xanthi has an area of 18 hectares, and belongs to the Forest Service of Xanthi (FEK 121/D/80). It is a century-old beech forest, an area of 18 hectares and is located in the mountain Chaidou in the Central Rhodope Mountains, north of the city of Xanthi. The height of trees exceed over the 30m and the diameter of their trunk is around 1 to 1.30 ...
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The municipal art gallery located in the corner Orpheus and Pindar. In a beautiful old mansion of the family Kalevra, where located in the Old Town of Xanthi, houses the Municipal Gallery. Mixing Ipirus and Macedonian architecture. Of particular interest appears the wooden ceilings.The Gallery hosts 52 paintings and two sculptures that adorn the halls of the permanent collection. And the...
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On the outskirts of Xanthi, preserved in good condition warehouses of tobacco, examples of architecture of industrial buildings and navel of economic prosperity of the city during the late 19th century. One of them house the Foundation of Thracian Art and Tradition, where founded in 1997. Exhibitions, lectures, seminars and courses from scientists and artists operates. The area of ...
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The Old Town of Xanthi is located in the north of Xanthi constituting its historic core and covers an area of 380.000m2. The city is built after 1829. The year that large earthquakes fully deplete the previous settlement. The city is built on the ruins and with core the churches, which were probably from the era of Byzantine Xanthia, as it was called from ancient time the city of Xanthi....
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The Watermills are located in the mountainous area of Xanthi. They are totally numbered 60 traditional watermills from which only three are operating and are situated in the settlements of Satres, Nice and Dimario, while others have been abandoned and are in danger of collapse....
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Xanthi, a town that perches at Rhodope"s arms, first on the road and railroad way that connects Thessaloniki with Evros and Constantinople. Capital of the prefecture, with ancient descent and contemporary presence. The contemporary city resembles a hive of activities twenty four hours a day. Its convention centers constitute a pole of attraction for Greek and foreign citizens.Streets and...
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Το πλέον ανερχόμενο εναλλακτικό άθλημα στην Ελλάδα, δεν θα μπορούσε να απουσιάσει από την Ξάνθη. Ιδανικές ποδηλατικές διαδρομές και αρκετές διοργανώσεις από συλλόγους, στις οποίες μπορείτε να ποδηλατήσετε ...
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Η δεύτερη μεγαλύτερη οροσειρά της Ελληνικής γης, η Ροδόπη, με το πλούσιο φυσικό κάλλος της και την ακόμα πιο πλούσια πανίδα της, προκαλεί να την επισκεφτείτε και να την εξερευνήσετε. Ζήστε το πάθος σας για ¨βόλτες¨...
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Ο Αθλητικός – Μορφωτικός Σύλλογος Σταυρούπολης και η Περιφέρεια Ανατολικής Μακεδονίας & Θράκης διοργανώνουν ανοιχτούς ποδηλατικούς αγώνες δρόμου και βουνού κάθε Μαΐο. Επίσης, το διήμερο των εκδηλώσεων ...
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Γνωρίστε από κοντά τις απαραίτητες τεχνικές τις τοξοβολίας από εξειδικευμένο άτομο και ζήστε από κοντά την εμπειρία ενός εναλλακτικού αθλήματος που προέρχεται από τα αρχαία χρόνια. Εμπνευστείτε από το ...
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Εναλλακτικά σπορ περιμένουν να ανακαλύψετε τις ομορφιές τους, να διαφοροποιηθείτε και να ξεφύγετε από τα συνηθισμένα, πάντα με την συνοδεία επαγγελματία οδηγού. Γνωρίστε τις τεχνικές της κάθε δραστηριότητας, ...
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Η Αυτοκινητιστική Λέσχη Ξάνθης - μέλος της Ομοσπονδίας Μηχανοκίνητου Αθλητισμού στη Γενικής Γραμματείας Αθλητισμού, διοργανώνει αγώνες δεξιοτεχνίας και γρήγορης οδήγησης. Οι συμμετοχές των οδηγών ξεπερνούν ...
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Αναρριχηθείτε με την καθοδήγηση επαγγελματία οδηγού και με τον κατάλληλο εξοπλισμό σε βράχους και διάφορα αναρριχητικά πεδία. Διασχίστε το φαράγγι του Ξηροπόταμου χρησιμοποιώντας τον κατάλληλο εξοπλισμό ...
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Το προπονητικό κέντρο της Π.Α.Ε. Ξάνθης βρίσκεται στα Πηγάδια Ξάνθης, σε μία απόσταση 10 χλμ. περίπου από την πόλη της Ξάνθης. Οι εργασίες κατασκευής του ξεκίνησαν το 1993, ενώ πρόσφατα αγοράστηκαν άλλα 40 στρέμματα για...
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Το ενδιαφέρον των ανθρώπων της περιφέρειας να δημιουργήσουν Ιππικού Ομίλους, έφερε ένα ακόμα εναλλακτικό τρόπο άθλησης και ψυχαγωγίας στην περιοχή μας. Οργανωμένοι όμιλοι προσφέρουν στους λάτρεις των αλόγων ...
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Κάθε Μαΐο διοργανόνται Αγώνες Ορεινού Τρεξίματος Παγγαίου, Paggaio Trail Run στη Σταυρούπολη. ...
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Περιηγηθείτε μέσα στα πανέμορφα μονοπάτια και σε ιδανικές διαδρομές στο βουνό, αλλά και σε διάφορα σημεία του νομού. Μέσα από οργανωμένες πεζοπορίες με συνοδεία από επαγγελματία οδηγό (σε απαραίτητα σημεία) ή ...
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Λάτρες του ATV; Έχετε την ευκαιρία στην Ξάνθη να διασχίσετε απίθανες διαδρομές και να εκτονωθείτε με το αγαπημένο εναλλακτικός σας σπορ. Λοφίσκοι, ρυάκια, χαλίκια και χωμάτινες και παραποτάμιες διαδρομές, σε ...
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The aim of the Centre for Environmental Education of Vistonida is to raise the awareness of young people and adults on issues related to the environment, so as to develop attitudes and participatory behaviors that will help to protect the ecological balance and the quality of life as well as to ensure a sustainable development. The facilities of the Centre for Environmental Education of ...
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Η τρούφα είναι ένα μανιτάρι που μεγαλώνει κάτω από το έδαφος, κοντά σε δένδρα άγριας χλωρίδας της Μεσογειακής λεκάνης. Το υπέροχο άρωμά της, η απίθανη γεύση της, οι φαρμακευτικές και αφροδισιακές ιδιότητες της, ...
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The river delta and the Vistonida Lake are considered to be two of the most important wetlands in Europe and are protected by the Ramsar Convention. The two wetlands rather than natural monuments, host a large number of wildlife, as well as the rich nutrient waters of the wetlands facilitate aquaculture. The large diversity of fish species that live in the wetlands attract large numbers ...
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The small quaint village, which is both seaside and lakeside, in the southeast of the municipality, in the borders of Xanthi and Rhodope, is known for years to ornithologists as an excellent birdwatching site. Among lagoons, meadows, woods and lake Vistonida the biotope hosts a rich birdlife. Among the 302 bird species that exist, some are Egret, the Foinikopetra, Pygmy Cormorant etc.. ...

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Mai multe rezultate (128)

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The avdira beach stands out for it’s cleanness, shallow waters, sandy BEACHES and quaint coves that attract summer visitors and amateur fishermen. It has organized public camping. It’s situated west of the Avdira port and stands for a large area of sand. It is the perfect place from where one can enjoy the magnificent sunsets of summer in Aegean sea....
Erasmio beach
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Those who do not like the crowded places, should prefer the Erasmio beach. The beach of Erasmio can be combined with a visit to the neighboring riparian forest of the Nestos Delta. There are fishing spots for friends of pure fish, shellfish crops and pisciculture of Erasmios association in physical channels. The channels that are formed are also wetlands with rich flora and a variety of ...
Myrodato beach
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It is in distance of 7 km. from the village of Myrodato and 26km. from the city of Xanthi. A special feature of this beach, like most coasts of the municipality, is the fine white sand, clear waters and long stretches of coast. It was awarded with the European Prize "Blue Flag". It is surrounded by cafes, taverns and bars....
Maggana beach
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The Maggana beach has a large area of sand with progressive deepening for novice swimmers in the sea. It is ideal for families, sports, sunbathing, games, beach volleyball, horseback riding, tennis, beach parties, games, waterskiing etc. All BEACHES are free to the public access; you can have a refreshment and emergency items. This beach is been awarded with the "Blue Flag" all the ...
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It is approximately 6km. away from the village of Mandra and 25km. of the city of Xanthi. To the east are lying the lagoons “Lafri” and “Lafrouda”, creating a single point of ecological and natural beauty. It has a tavern, a bar and an organized private camping....
Porto Lagos beach
Porto Lagos
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The beach is the pine forest of Porto Lagos used to attract the majority of Xanthi citizens. The seaweed therapy remains the main reason for today"s swimmers who combine their summer baths to cure various ailments and diseases....
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The children"s art museum "Oikoumeni" is located in the area Sydini of Xanthi and presents periodic reports of ideas from the rich collection of the Academy of Children"s Art. The museum hosts the "efforts" of the world"s children who participate in the project "Bridges of Love", by writing and exposing fairy tales and by creating puppets with materials environmentally friendly. Even ...
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The exhibition includes objects found in the ancient city and its cemeteries and covers the period from the 7th century BC till the 12th century AD. Its main objective is educational. Displayed mainly the everyday lives of ancient people of Avdira through the objects used by ordinary people in their daily occupations. The exhibition is structured thematically. Each section includes items...
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The Folklore Museum of Stavroupolis housed in the old building of Taxation Tobacco and founded from private initiative by Stavros Karampatzakis. Exhibits of the museum include traditional costumes, objects of everyday life in the region, such as household utensils, musical instruments, agricultural tools, weapons era, photos with era snapshots and other various items.Municipal Section ...
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The Museum of Traditional costume founded in 2009 is housed in a restored traditional building beautiful architecture with neoclassical decoration, which housed the Lyceum of Greek Women Xanthi, Annex Athens. Exhibits are the property of the foundation, gained in 34 years of its establishment. The purpose of the museum is to show and promote the rich Greek costume, with emphasis on that ...
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The museum and Historical Promotin "Gregory of Afxentiou" housed in a building that marries the Cyprus with the Thracian pace and located in the village Afxentiou. The purpose of the museum is attributable minimum tribute to the fighter of EOKA, Gregory Afxentiou, the emergence of the region, but also the contact for young people with history, folklore and tradition of the regions of ...
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The museum Gramophone and Coins housed in a beautifully restored building owned by Triantafyllos Kourtidis in the Polysito of Xanthi. Exhibits of the museum is the personal collection of its founder, consisting of all the currencies of Greek state since its inception to today, and 45 gramophones, all maintained by him, and other collectible items of historical value.The entrance is free....
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The Folklore Museum of Avdira is housed in the renovated neoclassical building of the old school of Avdira and dates from 1860. The location of the museum, in conjunction with other traditional buildings that surround it, create a unique mosaic of traditional architecture and cultural value. The exhibits are developed in two modules, rural life and textile art dating from 1830 to ...
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The house of shadow was made to accommodate shadow artworks. It consists of the workshop – gift shop and the exhibition. In the convention hall you can you can see sculptures made from trash, which when appropriately light, they produce recognizable shadow forms. The philosophy of these works of art approaches the diverse point of views, which you can interpret the objects, the ...
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Archaeological site of Avdira, in the cape of Bouloustra includes the northern and southern precincts, the acropolis of the ancient city and its cemeteries, extending mainly to the NW, N and NE, dating from the Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic periods. Place in the northern precinct preserved sections of the wall and one room buildings prior Clazomenia city of Asia Minor, 7th century ...
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The castle is located in the village of Myrtousa, 18km from Stavroupoli. It was built at around 340 BC and 614m on a hill to control the surrounding area. In the Byzantine era in the castle were settled troops of Vasileios Voulgaroktonou, Alexios Komnenos, and other emperors of Byzantium. Today only ruins remains. The area is accessible only with a four-wheel drive vehicle....
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The Byzantine township of Polystylon occupies the acropolis of the ancient city of Abdera. Its defences, approximately 800 metres long, follow more or less the contours of the hill. Built on bedrock and, at places, over the Classical defences, their width varies from 2.40 to 3.50 metres, depending on whether the wall is single (north and south sides) or double (northwest side). Several ...
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Approaching the bridge over the river Nestos, between the villages of Toxotes and Paradeisos, 14 km west of Xanthi, are located the ruins of the ancient city of Topeiros. It was a small settlement of classical and Hellenistic times, it’s situated on a hill northwest of the village of New Amissos. By the River Nestos, south and southwest of the village Toxotes, were identified Thracian ...
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The relief is carved on a large rock near Thermes village and dates to the end of the 2nd or the beginning of the 3rd century A.D. In the centre of the frame, which symbolizes a cave, Mithras is depicted sacrificing the bull. To his left and right stand the god's retinue, Cautes and Cautopates. Mithras was the god of the sun and had Iranian origins.Operating hours:The monument can be ...
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The Kale Fortress in Glafki, is located in the west of the settlement of Glayki and is a fortress dating back to the late Byzantine era....
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The tomb of Stavroupolis is the largest, best preserved and most impressive Macedonian tomb of Thrace. Located south of the city, in a short distance from the road that leads to Komnina. Based on architectural form and the few findings that were within the , dating from the first half of the 2nd century BC. Likely to be associated with a settlement, located 500 meters south, in position ...
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Located near the abandoned village today, north of Upper Ionic and is one of the most important archaeological sites of Thrace. It dates from the Hellenistic period and particularly during the reign of Philip II in 340 b.C. Fortress built on the hilltop 627 meters.It has a strategic position because it controls the valley of Nestos. The community Ionic is located in the Municipality of ...
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Abdera is located just before the south coast of the Xanthi Prefecture, 20 km away from the city of Xanthi. Today Abdera is north of the famous ancient settlement, but it still has interesting tourist attractions, providing variety and versatility. There are also traditional accommodations, museum, wineries, local food of great quality, as well as beautiful beaches with crystal waters....
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The total area of the district is approximately 100 hectares. The number of properties is 260 with a total area of approximately 58 hectares and an average surface properties on the 220 sq. km. m As regards the origin of the word Samakov, there are three interpretations supported by several researchers. One version is that the word comes from the Saxon word “samakovi”, as the Saxons ...
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Karyofito is a village in the prefecture of Xanthi, part of the municipality of Stavroupoli and previously named as Kozloutza. It is located 41 kilometers northwest of Xanthi, at an altitude of 560m. The access to the settlement is from Xanthi - Stavropol - Dafnonas - Ano Karyofyto, or Drama - Paranesti - Neochori - Ano Karyofyto. From there starts also the main route to the village of ...
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This significant settlement in the Ottoman period, the center of the Muslims of the region, declined after the 18th century to the extent that today only two mosques resemble its former glory. Besides the Turkish administrative center, Genisea evolved and developed into a well-known tobacco production center, and the famous tobacco of Xanthi was advertised in Istanbul market as Genisea ...
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This mountainous town is the center of Muslim Pomaks where mosques, houses, huts, workshops, warehouses and shops are reserved as remnants of an authentic old traditional environment. Special characteristic is there houses with lattice porch, which as a closed or semi-private space, subsumes the family and is used for drying tobacco. The spread of new materials facilitated the lives of ...
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Porto Lagos is a quaint fishing village 26 km from Xanthi. It has a port that serves the trade of Xanthi’s Prefecture, with the capacity of many fishing boats (both of professionals and amateurs). The grove and the lake Vistonida is declared a wetland of particular importance, creating an impressive atmosphere that cause the visitor"s interest. Adjacent to Porto Lagos, one can visit ...
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The settlement is situated about 40 km from the city of Xanthi in a mountainous terrain. It has about 1200 inhabitants, whose main occupation is agriculture activities and livestock. Thermes is known for its Thermal Springs....
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Stavropoli is the administrative center of the municipality. Is a town beside the River Nestos, 28km from the city of Xanthi. It had been the centre of tobacco cultivation until the 60s. Nowadays it maintains the signs of the economic prosperity of the past, at its urbanization and its buildings. The town is particularly interesting from an architectural point of view, with many old ...
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Ανήκει στο δήμο Μύκης.Πληθυσμιακά έχει 1000 περίπου κατοίκους. Στο Ωραίο ακόμα και σήμερα λειτουργεί παραδοσιακός Νερόμυλος. Βαδίζοντας αριστερότερα συναντάς εκτροφείο πέστροφας με παραδοσιακή ταβέρνα όπου ...
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Paranesti is a small town of Drama. Located on the road linking Drama with Stavroupoli of Xanthi. Has an altitude of 120 m and a permanent population of about 400 inhabitants. It is 40 km far from Drama and 22 km from Stavroupoli. It is the last supply center for the trip in the hinterland of Paranesti area. The area is characterized by its rich natural beauty, with a great and rare ...
Kasaba Mosque
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The Kasaba Mosque is located near the central square of Genisea behind the Mustafa Pasha mosque (Admiral in time of Murad IV) and is dated to 15-16 century. In this large mosque Kasaba Mosque or Tsarsi, elements of folk architecture and art remind the architecture of tobacco warehouses. Its spacious interior, the mihrab, is built from local stone with relief decoration, while the same ...
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The mosque is located at the intersection of the roads Skiathos and the 9th Merarxeias, in the old quarter Sunneh Mahallesi, and it’s part of a larger building complex. The mosque is a quadrangular building with overhead loft. The mihrab is simple and is decorated with baroque elements of Orientalist conception. The mimper also has simple decoration. There is interest in the ...
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The mosque is located in the district of “Asia” (Asa Mahalle), on Skra street, no.20. The monument is a square building, with pitched roof. The prayer room is a spacious hall whose the roof is based on two rows of wooden columns. The minaret is probably an earlier structure. The front is very interesting because it has significant similarities with buildings of secular architecture ...
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It was named after the tree which is located at the entrance. The founder of the mosque was a man named Çıplak Hüseyin Ağa. He built the mosque and spent his fortune in that, back in the Egeira year 1189 (= 1775). The mosque consists of two spaces: The main building and a second space which has a “left gamma” shape and that makes it look like the Yeni Mosque of Komotini. The ...
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It is located at the borders of Kavala and Xanthi prefectures, south of the town of Stavroupoli, with area of 2,380 hectares. It is one of the most beautiful landscapes of Greece with great ecological interest. The visitors can see the plurality of rare plants such as the agriopaschalia, champerlea, red peony and ramnis of Rhodope. At the same time, the region is rich in fauna, with ...
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In the Rhodope Mountains, on the border with Bulgaria, there is the Drimos Forest, also known as Chaidou. The forest Chaidou is an earthly paradise with huge centennial beech of over 30 meters height. Apart from the beech forest there is also a large variety of vegetation that grows in the mountains of Rhodope, such as pines, firs, spruces and yellow lilies. It is also a habitat of ...
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In Xanthi there are the following Natura regions: Mount Chaidou - Koula and the surrounding peaks, with an area of 3,488 hectares, the straits of Nestos river with an area of 8.752 hectares and the aesthetic forest of the river (Nestos) with an area of 2,335 hectares. Nestos is still the “pride” of the northeastern Greece because of the ecological value and the rareness and beauty of...
Strait of Nestos
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Nestos remains until today the pride of the northeastern Greece for his ecological value, the rare and beautiful natural environment. The forest - aquatic ecosystem of the river is of international importance, it consists a national park, it’s protected by the international Ramsar Convention and is a part of the Natura 2000network. The 140 km of the river flowing in the Greek ...
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The Sanative Springs are located in the mountainous region of Xanthi prefecture, just 42 km from the city of Xanthi. The geothermal field that exists in the region creates hot springs with beneficial properties. In the valley of Kato Thermes and Loutra Thermes, the water temperature ranges from 18° C and 53° C, while only in the baths the temperature is between 38° C and 53° C. The ...
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The Sanative Spring in Potamia (New Kessani) are located at the 20th km of the highway Xanthi - Komotini, in the municipality of Abdera, and operate from June to October. It is known for the treatment of chronic rheumatic diseases, gynecological diseases, neuralgia, neuritis, allergic dermatoses. In their facilities are included private spa baths, group bathtubs, hotels and a restaurant....
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With the generic name "Livaditis" is characterized a large mountainous region that includes the Chaidou Mountain, the southern part of Kula Mountain and the surrounding peaks. It is bounded in the north of the village Dafnonas, in the east of the villages Rema and Dimario and in the west it extends to the borders between the prefectures of Xanthi and Drama. It consists of the villages ...
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The monastery is situated north of Xanthi in a gorge that has an altitude difference of 170meters from the area the area. The name of the monastery comes from the finding of the miraculous image of Panagia inside some reeds, in the Kosynthos river area. From the place in which the monastery is built, the faithfull can admire the mountainous region of Rhodope, to the border with Bulgaria ...
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The church is situated at the junction of Evripidou and Orpheus streets, it is a three-aisled basilica church with a wooden roof, inserted in 1966.The monastery is located northwest of the city in a forest of pines and acacias, just below the Byzantine citadel of the city, to which it appears to be always connected. The time that the church started to operate is information still ...
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Northeast of Xanthi, on the outskirts of the mountainous mass of Rhodope in an extremely wonderful position, overlooking the plain of Xanthi, just above the Samakov region, you can find the third monastery of Xanthi, Holy Mary Archangeliotissa. The monastery during the whole year including the 15th of August, becomes a place of pilgrimage for the whole population of Thrace. The ...
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The church of St. Nicholas is metochi of Athos Monastery in Vatopedi and currently works as a pilgrimage. Located on the island of the lagoon Vistonidas or Bourous, near the fishing village of Porto - Lagos. The great religious and historical value, the rich monastic heritage and the natural beauty that surrounds it in the biotope of Lake Vistonida make it attracts many pilgrims ratings....
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Inside a rocky, uneven but green area surrounding the villages Makrychori, Elafochori, Disvato & Stegno Highland of the river is still a humble workshop of prayer, true oasis in today’s era. This is the Holy Women Convent of the Transfiguration of Sotiros of Winners. It is an outpost of the Metropolis of Philippi, that the spiritual radiation dominates the entire eastern region of ...
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It is a pilgrimage Panthrakikos range with a long history. Located after Xanthi and 16km before Komotini, left in the highway. The area is the monastery in the 12th century was called Panagia. During the Turkish occupation the area was divided into landlords. According to tradition, the sacred image of the Virgin appeared (hence Phaneromene) three hundred years ago the Ottoman main land ...
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The bridge of Stamatis is a beautiful stone bridge near the village that probably took its name from the master builder Stamatis who made it. The bridge of Papas took its name from the mill which operates until today and it formerly was the property of a priest. This bridge is located 3 km north of the village Tsetak. The bridge of Kotylis is a nice single-arch bridge near Kotyli village...
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The bridge of Pomakochoria was built in 1952 by the artisan contractor Michael Kokkinidi. Is located at the edge of the chapel of Agios Georgios and Dimitrios. The bridge of Akreo can be found 1500 meters to the left of the entrance of Satres village. The bridge of Satres is a double-arched bridge, located in the central square of Satres. The bridge of Zelenitska is a small, but ...
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The bridges of Kidari: the first bridge is 200 meters west of the settlement Kidari while the second bridge is located before the springs of Thermes towards Kidari village. The bridge of Thermes, filled with rubble, is located in the village of Ano Thermes behind the mosque. The bridge in the Meses Thermes connects the village with the Ano and Kato Thermes. The Bridge of Thermes is an ...
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The bridge of Gerakas is found at the 11th km Xanthi-Stavroupolis, 100 meters from the turn of the village of Gerakas. Another bridge is located at main road Xanthi-Stavroupolis at the 18th km, between the old and the new road. The bridge of Kariofito was built in 1813 and still maintains in good condition. The bridge of Kastanitis is located 200 meters south of the abandoned namesake ...
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As a tribute to the Cypriot Struggle, the Municipality Abdera provided a place to the Association of Cypriot of Xanthi, which created the "Grove of the Missing." The creation of this memorial was and is the creation of collective memory space, tribute to the dead and the missing, as well as a space of leisure time for its residents. For the reasons of symbolism, trees was planted to ...
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The Tekes Kioutouklou Baba is an Ottoman tomb, which is estimated to date back from the 15th to 16th century. The monument is located on the western shore of Vistonida Lake, northwest of Celino, in the prefecture of Xanthi in Thrace. It is located near the ancient Anastasioupolis - Peritheorio. In the Turkish-speaking area of the monument is known as the Kütüklü Baba Tekkesi while the...
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The building known as the garrison headquarter of Xanthi, is located in the Old Town of Xanthi and is described as a piece of art and as a historical monument. In the cultural center Manos Hadjidakis the following sectors will be integrated : intellectual and artistic creation , art competitions, music groups, radio station, creative workshops for children, productive publications and ...
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Going up the narrow alleyways of the traditional settlement of Avdira, which lies on the north side of the village over the imposing square, we find the impressive mansions with distinctive architecture and unique historical value. Attribute all houses are well preserved traditional stone oven not lacking in the yard even inferior families and sealed with the importance of the daily life...
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A large number of interesting neoclassical buildings of great importance can be found in large cities of Greece, the architecture of mosques, and specific neighborhoods in cities (the warehouses, the old city of Xanthi, huts of Sarakatsans, etc.). Monuments which are not very prominent and widely known are the following: • The preserved old town, on the hillside of the castle, with ...
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The cave Dryades is located near the village of Livera in Xanthi prefecture. A dense forest covers the area which makes it difficult to find the entrance of the cave. The cave has an overall surface of 1.150 square m. and a path of over 300m length. The central chamber is a downhill slope and in the middle dominates a towering pillar. Around it, are drilled other chambers ("hidden ...
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Komotini is currently located in the north central plains of the region to a draft of the valley at an altitude of 36 to 48 meters from the sea and it has a population of approximately 70,000 residents, while daily, the city serves over 100,000. It is the capital of the Rhodope region, hydra of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace region and the distance from the Greek-Turkish border is 94 km, 22 ...
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The river Kosynthos or else "Tsagi", flows only within the limits of the Greek territory. It stems from the tops of Koula (central Rhodopes), crosses Pomakochoria, passes from the traditional village of Xanthi and once opened in the valley, it flows to the northwest of Vistonidas lake. The name of the river Kosynthos in ancient times was Kossinitis....
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The Nestos Delta occupies a large area in the southern part of the prefectures of Kavala and Xanthi. The debris that Nestos deposits on estuary and ocean currents prevailing in the region, formed small lagoons of Bassora, Eratino, Agiasma, Kokala, Keramotis and Monastiraki- all in the western part of the delta, total area of 16,000 acres (S. Kavala) . In the eastern part of the delta ...